Welcome to Renchi's Customs!
I'm a humble little Techie operating out of Night City!
Very pleased to meet you!
If you want to get in touch, contact me through the site, or ask for me in Short Circuit.
Here's what's on the shelves!:
Some of my personal gear.
- Delta-Custom: Excellent Quality Very Heavy Pistol with Autofire (3), 1000eb.
- Nu-Custom: Excellent Quality Heavy Pistol with Autofire (3), 1000eb.
- "Lightning in a bottle" Electric Smoke : Combined smoke and EMP grenade. If it doesn't hit a valid target, the smoke remains charged until the first target enters it, at which point it discharges on them as an EMP effect, 750eb.
- "Polar fleece" Cooling Unit: Takes the hardware slot on a Bodyweight Suit. Regulates the user's temperature. As an action, the unit rapidly cools down the user, making them indistinct to IR sensors. The user must pass a DV13 Endurance roll at the start of each turn the device is active or suffer a -2 penalty to all checks that turn. Prolonged use causes the user to suffer exposure. 500eb.
- "Renchi Vision" Radiation Detector upgrade: Tracks the full EM spectrum.
- "Skintwatch" Skinwatch upgrade: Allows a skinwatch to work as a countdown timer and stopwatch.
- "Brainstorm" Neural Link upgrade: Can be shut down or rebooted as an action with a successful DV 13 cybertech test.
- Miscellaneous Agent programs.
- HitCounter: It's like a killcounter, but it tracks hits on here! Currently at !
Due to repeated 2am calls, here are the programs:
- "Fast Talk": This is just for QoL. Got a Kerenzikov? Enter your run speed and this will playback audio and video at a more acceptable pace. 20eb.
- "Read the Room": Commisioned by a borg I knew. Upload a photo of a face, and it tells you the rough mood of the person in the picture. +1 to Human Perception when examining an uploaded picture. 50eb.
- "Drivebyte": Connects to most modern vehicles. Like a BioMon, but for your car! Provides detailed data readouts of the condition of a vehicle. +1 to repair rolls on this vehicle while this is connected. 100eb.
- "Suit Yourself": Links to a library of fashion magazines to tell you exactly where someone got that dress. Made it for a friend, who just used it to poke fun of posers to their faces. Miss you Sarah. 50eb.
Some other toys I offer.
- Need more space in a limb? Try my Neat and Petite hydraulic/myomer combination.
- "Hotfoot" Toe-Ring Detonator : A remote trigger mechanism that fits inside a boot. Can be activated with an action, and paired with most electronic devices. 100eb.
- "Deep Cleanse" Toxin Binders Upgrade: Gives a total of +3 to Resist Torture/Drugs.
- "The Soft Touch" Custom Cyberhand: Sick of being disarmed? This adaptive gripper will prevent your weapon being pulled out of your grip via a grab. Increases choking damage by 2. 500eb.
- "Wandering Eye" Technician Drone: It welds! It dances! It looks great in your workshop! Three-legged drone equipped with an Observation Camera and Heavy Melee Weapon. Can apply its combat number to repair checks. 30HP, MOVE 4, DV17 Electronics/Security Tech, 5 min to counter. 5000eb
I'm constantly updating my stock, so check back soon!!!
Customer testimonials:
Reliable, does good work. - Owner of a custom set of Rippers
Get her off me! Get this bitch off me! -Some Strommer gonk
Excellent ability to work with other specialists to aid in creating the exact thing you wish to have made. -A Man from Little China
Makes sure her clients are safe both during and after negotiations on pay and timetables -I'll chip those legs, promise
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