Welcome to Renchi's Customs!

I'm a humble little Techie operating out of Night City!

Very pleased to meet you!

If you want to get in touch, contact me through the site, or ask for me in Short Circuit.

Here's what's on the shelves!:

Some of my personal gear.

Due to repeated 2am calls, here are the programs:

Some other toys I offer.

I'm constantly updating my stock, so check back soon!!!

Customer testimonials:

Reliable, does good work. - Owner of a custom set of Rippers

Get her off me! Get this bitch off me! -Some Strommer gonk

Excellent ability to work with other specialists to aid in creating the exact thing you wish to have made. -A Man from Little China

Makes sure her clients are safe both during and after negotiations on pay and timetables -I'll chip those legs, promise

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